Leadership Culture
The fundamentals of leadership have not changed in thousands of years. Whether you’re Abraham Lincoln, a captain in the Roman legion, an intern in your first job, engineer on a scrum team, or retiree who’s organizing the community pickleball league, leadership boils down to getting the very best out of a group of people in service to a goal, often through personal sacrifice.
Leadership is not a title, it is a role. And this role can be played by anyone on any team at any time. This is what differentiates leadership culture from “a leader” or “a team culture”. It is the confluence of the two.
Why It Matters
Developing a shared belief system (culture) decentralizes the decision-making process so that the people closest to your customers use the same principles in making decisions. The minute a business expands beyond one person running it, you need a way to make sure everyone is using the same code to guide their actions. And embedding this belief system in the time-tested fundamentals of what makes a good leader is like strapping your business to a supersonic, self-correcting rocket on a mission to Mars.
In the hierarchy of The Way, leadership culture is only second to putting customer problems at the center of your business. This is because a strong leadership culture is secondary to having a customer problem to solve in the first place and can either accelerate or decelerate the process of solving this problem. Said differently, a customer problem is the reason that an organization chooses to exist. A culture, then, establishes both the beliefs and the lines an organization will not cross in solving the customer problem.
You're Doing It Right If...
You frequently get critical and honest feedback from the team you work with.
Over 80% of the ideas generated to improve core organizational goals (like revenue growth) come from the people closest to the customer.
People in your organization say “we did it” instead of “I did it”.
People with management responsibility generate most if not all of the ideas of the organization.
No one is spending time understanding the day-to-day experience of the people closest to your customers.
Most of the organization spends more time talking than listening.